OAK FM 101.3

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OAK is an acronym for Ovens and King. Wangaratta is the place the Ovens and King streams meet and is the base for OAK-FM, the neighborhood group radio station.

It began with a melody …

In the late ’80s a nearby artist, Peter Reynolds, chose that Wangaratta needed a group radio station. In conjunction with Wangaratta’s 150th festivals of 1988, ‘The Chronicle’ daily paper propelled a rival for a lyric/verse to honor the event. Everton occupant Mrs. Margaret Glendenning penned the triumphant entrance called ‘The Song of Wangaratta’. Diminish Reynolds gave the tune and a tape of the complete melody was created at Wichetty Grub studios.

OAK FM 101.3 official website address is www.oakfm.com.au

Region: Australia

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