One FM 98.5

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One FM 98.5 broadcasts 24/7, they play nonstop music, rap, rock, hip-hop, trance, electro house, country, soft, etc music live on the internet. With having quality internet connection listeners can enjoy a well-organized playlist and DJ songs from anywhere in the world at any place with this radio. To make the youth connected with the music world they decorate their playlist with songs that the youth will love.


FaceBook: ONEFM985

Stare de nervozitate: @ONEFM985

Instagram: onefm985

Wikipedia: XHWA-FM

Language: Español

Contact Number: +(228) 840-0621

Address: Plaza Crystal No. 26, Col. Francisco Villa, Xalapa, Ver. 91150

Frequency: Xalapa, 98.5 MHz FM

genuri: Electronic, Mexican, Pop

Region: Mexico

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